Postcard circa 1915 of Blackfoot River
A postcard circa 1915 of the upper Blackfoot River. (credit: John Maclean’s personal collection)

Jason Borger shadow casting
Jason Borger, stand-in for Brad Pitt, shadow casting for a publicity shot for the movie A River Runs through It. (credit: John Maclean’s personal collection)

The author fishing the upper Blackfoot River
The author fishing the upper Blackfoot River in the fall. (credit: Alec Underwood)

Norman, Clara and the Reverend Maclean circa 1930s
Norman, Clara and the Reverend Maclean with their dogs, Moogan, the Irish Setter, and Quake, a spaniel: 1930s.

Maclean boys on a family camping trip
The Maclean boys, Norman and Paul, on a family camping trip on the Bitterroot River in the early 1910s near White’s Store, in the upper Bitterroot valley. (credit: Maud Gibson)

The Mann Gulch Fire
Smoke from the Mann Gulch Fire, August 1949. (credit: USFS)

Paul Maclean
A studio portrait of Paul Maclean in his 20s. (credit: John Maclean’s personal collection)

The author and George Croonenberghs heading for Morrell Lake
The author and George Croonenberghs geared up for a hike into Morrell Lake, Grizzly bear country, to camp and fish in the 1950s. (credit: John Maclean’s personal collection)

The author surveys the upper Blackfoot River
The author surveys the upper Blackfoot River and the Garnet Range beyond. (credit: Peter Hubbard)

Postcard of Wolf Creek, Montana
Main street of Wolf Creek, Montana, circa 1940. (credit: John Maclean’s personal collection)